Ofsted's "Inspecting e-safety briefing" gives examples of the sort of questions that school leaders might get asked during an inspection with regards to their school e-safety practice.

Ask yourself the following question about your school and then click to show what Ofsted is wanting to see.

1. How do you ensure that all staff receive appropriate online safety training that is relevant and regularly up to date?
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2. What mechanisms does the school have in place to support pupils and staff facing online safety issues?
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3. How does the school educate and support parents and whole school community with online safety?
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4. Does the school have e-safety policies and acceptable use policies in place? How does the school know that they are clear and understood and respected by all?
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5. Describe how your school educates children and young people to build knowledge, skills and capability when it comes to online safety? How do you assess its effectiveness?
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Ofsted and e-safety at a glance

Outstanding Inadequate
Whole school consistent approach Personal data is unsecure
Robust and integrated reporting routines Security of passwords is ineffective
Effective staff development Policies are generic and not updated.
Clearly commuicated and respected policy There is no progressive, planned e-safety education
Progressive curriculum There is no internet filtering or monitoring.
Secure and effective infrastructure There is no evidence of staff training.
Effective monitoring and evaluation Children are not aware of how to report a problem.
Ess package e safetysupport

E-safety Support

£383.90 p.a. (Primary)
£658.90 p.a. (Secondary)
£855.80 p.a. (All ages)

Learn more
Ess package safeguardingessentials

Safeguarding Essentials

£548.90 p.a. (Primary)
£878.90 p.a. (Secondary)
£1,043.90 p.a. (All ages)

Learn more
* All prices are shown excluding VAT. This is a subscription product with an annual renewal.