

A 'Frape' or 'Fraping' (a combination of ‘Facebook’ and ‘rape’) is when someone has used your Facebook account without permission and destroyed comments or pictures, or created new and offensive comments and pictures pretending to be you.

Advice for pupils:

  1. Ensure your Facebook account is always logged off after use on laptops and desktops.

  2. Set up a password-ed screensaver on laptops and desktops to prevent access if the machine is left unattended.

  3. Set up a ‘standby’ password for smartphones and tablets – where the device requires a password or pin code for access if it is not used for more than a few minutes.

  4. If a frape is already in action on your account, visit and Facebook will secure your account by locking out all other locations except yours.

From Fraping assembly plan - part of our E-safety Support Premium Membership.

Written by Safeguarding Essentials on August 20, 2013 14:38

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