Get involved in Safer Internet Day 2016

On the 9th February 2016, millions across the UK and globally will be celebrating Safer Internet Day. Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, the day is a great opportunity to talk to young people about the safe and positive use of technology

SID 2016For Safer Internet Day 2016 the UK Safer Internet Centre is hoping to build on the successes and momentum of the 2015 campaign, which was supported by over 850 UK schools and organisations, reaching 25% of 11 – 16s. Most importantly the day had a huge impact with a third (32%) of 11-16s changing something about the way that they use the internet after hearing about Safer Internet Day!

This year’s theme is ‘Play your part for a better internet!’ and provides an opportunity for schools to make the most of the positive opportunities offered online, whilst giving young people the resilience, skills, knowledge and support they need to navigate any online risks they may come across.

Looking for inspiration…

To help schools get involved, the UK Safer Internet Centre has shared a list of ideas inspired by schools who have already registered as Safer Internet Day supporters:

  • Run a competition in school. For example, Arundel C of E Primary School are going to be running a poster competition for SID2016.
  • Display the Safer Internet Day posters in your school (coming soon!)
  • Get creative: why not encourage pupils to produce an app, game or video. Sparken Hill Academy are going to produce a Radio Show and TV Show for the day!
  • Help spread the word by promoting the day on social media, through your website or newsletter, or by contacting local press to let them know what you are doing for the day
  • Get young people to take the lead. For example, Loughton School are going to have an assembly run by their Digital Leaders, and schools last year brought together older pupils with young pupils to help in the lessons.
  • Reach out to parents using the Safer Internet Day parent pack, which includes a template letter, resources and a ready-to-use presentation (coming soon!) Why not invite them along to an assembly where they can hear directly from pupils?

    Start celebrating Safer Internet Day now!

  • Display the Safer Internet Day banner or logo on your school website, and link to the UK Safer Internet Centre at
  • Join the 65 organisations that have already registered as a Safer Internet Day supporters by sharing what you’re doing for Safer Internet Day and submitting your logo to the Safer Internet Day Supporters list.

    To stay up to date:

    Find out more at
    Join the conversation at #SID2016
    Subscribe to UK Safer Internet Centre newsletter

    Don't forget, you can also take part in the E-safety Support, E-safety Tips competition - Click here for competition details.

  • Written by Safeguarding Essentials on November 26, 2015 11:57

    Using monitoring software to help keep children e-safe.

    Our partners at Point2Protect discuss how device monitoring can provide vital intelligence to help improve e-safety education

    Some commentators suggest that monitoring software is a bad thing, used only to spy on young people, intruding into their privacy, and that all we really need to do to keep them safe is talk to them about the dangers they face in the online world.

    At Point2Protect, we disagree. We believe that technology can play an important part in any e-safety strategy, providing vital intelligence and understanding which can then lead to better informed engagement.

    So, what can technology show you and how can it be used to help keep children and young people safer? Let’s take a tour of the Qustodio technology we use at Point2Protect, as an example of the type of monitoring and moderation you could be using.

    The Qustodio technology works at a device level, which means that you need to install it on each device you want to monitor, whether it’s a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone. Once you’ve done this, you register each device to your Qustodio account and then specific data is sent to your secure online dashboard, wherever that device is used.

    To see a larger version of the sample screenshots, simpy click on each image

    Summary Dashboard
    When you sign in to the Qustodio dashboard, you’ll arrive at a page that provides a quick summary of how the devices registered to this profile have been used recently. A profile contains a set of rules you want applied to the devices registered to it. So a school might have a profile for all Year 7 devices, while a parent might have a different profile for each of their children. This enables the rule set to be appropriate to the age of the children being monitored.

    The example page here is showing activity from a Windows laptop, an iPad and an Android smartphone over a 30 day period. You can see that it reports on categories of use, such as surfing news web sites, as well as specific applications such as Microsoft Outlook.

    Summary Dashboard
    Scrolling further down this first summary page shows a word cloud and then three columns. The word cloud is really useful, as it shows the search terms used on all the monitored devices over the last 30 days. This provides a simple and immediate insight into areas of interest and will quickly highlight anything that might need to be followed up.

    Below the word cloud, the three columns show the most popular apps being used, the web sites being frequently visited and the top contacts (I’ve hidden the third column detail deliberately). By clicking on any content in these columns you can immediately apply a filter. So, for example, if you decide that Facebook isn’t appropriate for the eight year old children using these devices, you can instantly block it in both the app and web site columns. This rule will then apply across all the devices registered to this profile.

    The third column shows contact to a smartphone from calls, text messages, Twitter and Facebook. We don’t delve any further into these contacts by, for example, reading their text messages or recording calls, as we feel this would be too intrusive. So it’s possible to see who children are in regular contact with and so judge whether these contacts are appropriate, but the content of these conversations remains private.

    Summary Dashboard
    Beyond the summary level, for each of the main activity areas (app usage, web browsing, social activity, etc.) there’s a more detailed view of all usage – for example, the timeline of all web activity shown here. This enables you to see minute-by-minute detail on web sites being visited or YouTube videos being viewed.

    Another feature that’s particularly popular with parents is geolocation, which can pop up a Google map showing where a smartphone is at any time. This is also helpful for schools to keep tabs on any mobile devices like tablets that the students may use on a 1-2-1 basis.

    Summary Dashboard
    In an ideal world, schools will be working closely with parents to ensure that children are being protected wherever they are and not just when on the school premises. One Qustodio feature that immediately appeals to parents is the smartphone Panic Button. When pressed, this sends a text or email message to the key account contact informing them that the child feels unsafe and then showing details of their current location.

    Summary Dashboard
    All the filtering and moderation functions of Qustodio are controlled from the single Rules tab. Here you can manage web sites by category, or select specific web sites to allow or stop. You can also allow or disable specific apps, or set up time limits for each day’s use of certain apps. All the controls in Qustodio, and we’ve only seen a few of these here, are designed to be easy to use for the non-technical.

    Summary Dashboard
    You can even create a schedule for all the devices registered to this profile in the account. So, for example, you could stop all devices from working after 10pm on a school night, or from working outside school hours. Once you’ve established the rule set for a profile, you can check-in to the dashboard when you wish, or set Qustodio to email a weekly report to you, or to parents.

    Clearly Qustodio is a very powerful tool to provide both schools and parents with a clearer understanding of how the children and young people in their care are experiencing the online world. The understanding of it enables better, more targeted conversations to take place, as well as highlighting areas where extra support or teaching may be necessary.

    We would emphasise that technology like Qustodio should be seen as a piece in the jigsaw of effective e-safety and not a solution in itself. At Point2Protect we believe that it’s absolutely critical to follow up understanding with engagement and education, and we provide content and resources to support that approach, including the excellent E-Safety Support service on this web site.

    However, one thing is certain. If monitoring technology such as Qustodio is being used as part of an effective, wide-ranging, community-wide e-safety strategy, we will all be less likely to hear either schools or parents saying, in the wake of a serious incident, that they had no way of knowing what the children and young people in their care had been doing online in recent months. That surely has to be a good thing.

    We are delighted to announce that Point2Protect will be offering a prize as part of the E-safety Support, Safer Internet Day Competition. Each of the UK category winners will receive a 100 device licence for their school for a year. Click here for competition details.

    Written by Ian Skeels - Point2Protect on November 19, 2015 12:55

    E-safety Tips Competition Terms

    This competition is open to schools and youth organisations in the UK and schools overseas. You do not have to be a member of E-safety Support to enter.

    Entries must be received by midnight on 8th February 2016 to be entered into the competition.

    Each E-safety Tip must be a maximum 140 characters and include the hashtag #esstips to be valid.

    By submitting an entry, you agree for the 'tip' to be used on the E-safety Support website as well as on social media platforms. Your school name (but no names of staff of pupils) may also be included on these platforms.

    There are 3 categories, Best Primary School Tip, Best Secondary School Tip, Best Tip from an Overseas School.

    A winner will be chosen from each category and announced on 9th February 2016 - Safer Internet Day. If you are a winner, we will endeavour to contact you by phone and email on the same day prior to announcement. However, if we are unable to contact you, we will still announce the winning entries on the 9th February.

    If you are chosen as a winner, you will be given 1 years free Premium Plus membership to E-safety Support for your school. If you are already a member, the free year will be added to the end of your current membership period. Alternatively, you may choose to nominate another school to receive your prize.

    Winners will Each of the UK category winners will also receive a 100 device licence for their school for a year from our partners at Point2Protect. WInners will be contected directly by Point2Protect with details of their prize.

    For winner’s details please send an email to: within 28 days of the draw date.

    By entering the free prize draw, entrants agree to be bound by the rules and by any other requirements set out in promotional material.

    Written by Safeguarding Essentials on January 12, 2016 10:27

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