What is bullying?

Is there a line between banter and bullying?

Sexting Training Viewing GuidanceWe all talk about bullying, we know it’s a serious issue which can have devastating consequences and we know that thanks to social media, bullying doesn’t stop when the school gates close. But what exactly is bullying?

As pointed out in the latest Ditch the Label Annual Bullying Survey "the very nature of bullying is subjective, meaning everybody has a different idea of the behaviours that are considered to be bullying". The report identified that 12% of young people had bullied somebody based on their own definition of bullying, while 54% of respondents said that they had been bullied at some point.

In research released by TES in the latter part of 2017, figures revealed that from over 1000 secondary school teachers interviewed, over half thought that bullying was a problem in their school, with more than a fifth saying that bullying in their school was on the increase. Rather more shockingly, 40 per cent declared they knew of pupils too scared to attend school because of it.

To help identify bullying, the Department of Education define it as “behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally”, while the dictionary definition adds that a bully will often force the victim to do something they do not want to do.

Types of bullying
Bullying and cyber bullying can take on many forms including (but not limited to) physical assault, emotional taunting, verbal abuse, social exclusion, hostile actions based on sexuality – the list goes on. And (as stated in the Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance) all staff should be aware of the specific safeguarding issue that bullying presents. Ofsted will also hold schools to account for how well they deal with bullying behaviour. This can include behaviour which takes place outside the school premises.

What can schools do?
In order to raise awareness of bullying issues and help prevent it taking place, schools can develop a number of strategies. In the first instance, anti-bullying and cyber bullying should be included in the curriculum. It is also key to ensure that parents are clear on their responsibilities and know where to go to for support. To enable this, the school should have clear guidelines and policies in place and should work with external agencies who can provide support and advice.

Empowering pupils to take the lead on tackling bullying can help encourage speaking out if situations arise and taking part in awareness days such as anti-bullying week or stop cyber bullying day can help enforce the message.

In short, it is important that schools deal with bullying as they have a duty of care to help pupils learn in a safe environment.

If you would like to share your thoughts on bullying issues or have ideas you would like to share with fellow teacher, please use the comments section below.

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Written by Safeguarding Essentials on May 03, 2018 12:37

Get Ready for Mental Health Awareness Week 2018

Mental Health Awareness Week takes place between 14th and 20th May 2018

Mental Health News April 18There is no doubt that social media, in its many forms, is a powerful community. From both a personal and professional perspective, social media can provide a vast array of information and connections that may not otherwise be possible in the offline world. But with this extraordinary ability to reach out to the wider world, comes the potential for risk.

In the latest Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes Report from Ofcom, findings suggest that almost a quarter of 8-11s and three-quarters of 12-15s have a social media profile. Their findings also concluded that one in eight 12-15s with a social media profile say there is pressure to look popular all of the time.

Researchers from the University of Melbourne’s National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health recently warned that studies have found an association between social media use and depression, anxiety, sleep problems, eating issues and suicide risk.

In addition, a recent University of Pittsburgh study of young adults suggested that heavy social media users were three times more likely to be depressed than occasional users.

The popularity of social media combined with these risks and added to all the other stresses of growing up, it's easy to understand how almost 1 in 4 children and young people show some evidence of mental ill health (including anxiety and depression), as reported by Young Minds.

Mental Health Awareness Week

With Mental Health Awareness Week just around the corner, now is an ideal time to discuss mental health issues with pupils.

This year, the campaign focus is on stress. Organisers, the Mental Health Foundation, add that "by tackling stress, we can go a long way to tackle mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, and, in some instances, self-harm and suicide. We will look at how we can tackle stress and help improve our mental health."

For more information about Mental Health Awareness Week including ideas on how you can get involved, visit www.mentalhealth.org.uk

Mental Health Awareness Week 2018

For a range of mental well-being resources including teaching materials, parents guides and staff training, join our Safeguarding Essentials service.

Written by Safeguarding Essentials on April 26, 2018 12:53

Safeguarding Annual Events

A reminder of the safeguarding and e-safety related events and activities held throughout the year

Calendar Apr 17In addition to the important dates such as examinations, residential trips and parents evenings, schools are encouraged to look at including awareness days into the school calendar to focus on issues which relate to the social and emotional well-being of children and young people.

The benefit for schools in engaging in these days is that the organisations who organise these events often have resources such as lesson plans, so that teachers don’t have to start from scratch when putting together lessons. Also, it is a good way of evidencing ways that you promote safeguarding and e-safety to others, e.g. parents, which can be included in any self-reviews or information for Ofsted.

In addition, awareness days often generate publicity from local or national media, so stakeholders may be more interested in attending events or receiving literature which relate to them. Many organisations offer speakers and who can come into school and offer an additional perspective when talking about these subject areas.

Whilst schools may not be able to cover all awareness days that relate to safeguarding and e-safety, it is important to pick out a couple, and establish them in the school calendar. Here are some suggestions:

Data Protection Day - 28th January

Children's Mental Health Week
Safer Internet Day
No Tech for Breck Day
Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week

National Safeguarding Month
SIAD: Self-Injury Awareness Day - 1st March
National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day - 18th March

Stress Awareness Month
Childnet Film Competition

Mental Health Awareness Week

Child Safety Week
Stand up to Bullying Day
Stop Cyber Bullying Day

Disability Awareness Day
World Emoji Day - 17th July

International Youth Day - 12th August

Scroll Free September
World Suicide Prevention Day - 10th September
Sexual Health Week
Pupil Voice Week

Bullying Prevention Month (Cybersmile Foundation)
World Mental Health Day - 10th October
National Hate Crime Awareness Week
Get Safe Online Day

National Stress Awareness Day
Wear Blue for Bullying Day
Digital Kids Show
Anti-bullying Week
Alcohol Awareness Week


If you have an event that you would like to include in this list, please email tina@safeguardingessentials.com or use the comments section below.

Written by Safeguarding Essentials on October 05, 2020 13:19

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