We are delighted to announce the launch of a brand new E-safety Support feature, the E-safety News and Information Widget.
Any member of E-safety Support can now add the Widget to their website, which will provide them with regular news, articles, definitions and up-to-date information about e-safety issues. Teachers, parents, pupils and school governors will then be able to see the latest information every time they visit the school website.
Ian Pringle from Kodo Education, publishers of www.e-safetysupport.com added, “Young people are becoming more confident about using the latest technologies, but this confidence does not necessarily mean that they are aware of the possible risks. There is a requirement for young people to be educated, and also a requirement from Ofsted that schools teach e-safety in a comprehensive manner and includes the wider school community. We are excited to be offering this new information widget to schools which will help them to communicate to the whole school population without having to add to their already extensive workload.”
Click here to find out more about the Widget, or members can visit their dashboard to find further instructions on adding it to the school website.