E-safety Support teams up with Fantastict

Since the launch of E-safety Support earlier this year, we have had the pleasure of talking to many schools about the e-safety issues they are currently facing. One of the biggest challenges identified by our member schools was teacher training.

As a result of your needs, we have partnered up with the UK’s largest dedicated provider of e-safety training and consultancy – Fantastict. This new partnership will not only give teachers and schools access to a nationwide network of trainers and consultants, but all E-safety Support members will also benefit from a free ‘Needs Analysis’ consultation. Premium and Premium Plus members will also receive discount off any training and consultancy booked with Fantastict.

Responding to our member needs is part of our commitment to ensure that the whole school community can be involved in the delivery of the school e-safety provision. By partnering with Fantastict, we can help schools access quality e-safety training which will ensure that teachers are aware of current e-safety issues, supporting them in school and complementing the teaching and learning materials available from the E-safety Support website.

Visit the Fantastict website to find out more about the bespoke e-safety training available

Written by Safeguarding Essentials on September 25, 2013 10:57

E-safety: Education, Prohibition and the Digital Native Myth

Meet us at the Exa Education Conference - 10th October 2013

We are delighted to be supporting the Exa Education Conference, where we will be able to share our thoughts on the latest e-safety issues faced by teachers today. This will also be a great opportunity to meet with teachers and also find out more about the latest practices, innovations and technologies available to schools.

Ian Pringle, CEO of Kodo Education will be presenting on the day and will also be available to talk to about e-safety issues throughout the event. Here is an outline of the presentation he will be making:

Communications technology has and continues to have a profound effect on all aspects of society, from politics and international trade through to personal relationships. The speed of information transfer and related decision making puts strain on traditional customs, morals and behaviors, exposing and magnifying both the highs and lows of the human experience.

We must all learn how we adjust our behaviors and interactions in this new environment, to take advantage of the potential but protect ourselves from the perils. In educational terms, this is being broadly called e-safety.

However, e-safety in school is more than just the practice of protecting our children in the present, but it is also about equipping them for their futures.

As with any life skill, seeds sown at a young age tend to flourish, especially if correctly nurtured within formal education. However, preparing young people to act safety and responsibility in an environment which has yet to emerge, using technologies yet to be invented is a tall order for schools, and can not be done without proper understanding of the technology and young people’s relationship to it.

This talk will highlight some of the concepts which must be considered to ensure contemporary on-line safety and also outline some dangerous assumptions which must be addressed if we are to ensure we prepare our children for a safe and positive technological future.

Click here to register for the Exa Education Conference

Written by Safeguarding Essentials on September 19, 2013 10:13

New E-safety News & Information Widget

We are delighted to announce the launch of a brand new E-safety Support feature, the E-safety News and Information Widget.

Any member of E-safety Support can now add the Widget to their website, which will provide them with regular news, articles, definitions and up-to-date information about e-safety issues. Teachers, parents, pupils and school governors will then be able to see the latest information every time they visit the school website.

Ian Pringle from Kodo Education, publishers of www.e-safetysupport.com added, “Young people are becoming more confident about using the latest technologies, but this confidence does not necessarily mean that they are aware of the possible risks. There is a requirement for young people to be educated, and also a requirement from Ofsted that schools teach e-safety in a comprehensive manner and includes the wider school community. We are excited to be offering this new information widget to schools which will help them to communicate to the whole school population without having to add to their already extensive workload.”

Click here to find out more about the Widget, or members can visit their dashboard to find further instructions on adding it to the school website.

Written by Safeguarding Essentials on September 13, 2013 07:30

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