A look at the key drivers for e-safety education since the changes to the Ofsted inspection briefing documents
Safeguarding Essentials - October 02, 2014 10:00 - Blog Story
The 2014/15 Community Education Awards recognise the importance of internet safety
Safeguarding Essentials - September 25, 2014 09:19 - Blog Story
Chester businesses are being asked to get behind a new WiFi safety campaign and help to make Chester the world’s first porn free city.
Friendly WiFi - September 18, 2014 11:04 - Blog Story
The pros and cons of the freemium sales technique targeting young people
Steve Gresty - September 10, 2014 13:33 - Blog Story
How the selfie trend can manifest itself into something far less innocent
Safeguarding Essentials - September 04, 2014 08:54 - Blog Story
The Cybersurvey is an online survey tool being used in different local authority areas to gather information from young people on cyber abuse and e-safety education.
Safeguarding Essentials - August 27, 2014 13:24 - Blog Story
It’s an old adage that children and young people understand technology better than adults in their mid 40’s and beyond, but is this correct?
Steve Gresty - August 20, 2014 08:23 - Blog Story
Why the Internet Watch Foundation are supporting the new scheme to protect children using public WiFi
Friendly WiFi - August 14, 2014 12:24 - Blog Story
Can computer gaming assist in child development?
Steve Gresty - August 07, 2014 11:41 - Blog Story
28% of 16-24s turn off push notifications as soon as they download an app
Safeguarding Essentials - July 31, 2014 09:07 - Blog Story
Your online identity is at risk. In a world where we’re all spending more time online, we’re...
In the first article in our 'Cyber Security Focus' series we look at passwords and the move...
Facebook has been in the news quite a lot recently, there have been allegations, investigations...
Holiday learning from Rocketlearn
Teachers 'struggle to deal with classroom sexual abuse'
Teacher tips for remote learning